Easy-to-use free online solution for Learning:
We are doing our best to help students learn business numbers - by trying to provide the best learning experience.
Start by understanding the very basics of finance/economics, and you can gradually learn the most advanced financial topics.
Start easy, and expand the analysis at your own choosing.
As a Professor/Teacher you get access to easy-to-use teaching material and processes.
We will always work hard in order to give you and your students a really good teaching and learning experience.
Note: If you are interested in a total solution for your University/School, please see information further below under 'Subscription'
Easy-to-use full scale risk assumptions functionality (Monte carlo)
Create a complete analysis simply by uploading an Excel with your data.
The inputs are done in spreadsheet tables.
Input your expected sales, costs+ and you will get correctly calculated financial projections and analysis.
Your analysis is always correctly calculated!
Easily create and update reports, presentations and dashboards.
Interactive charts, and mobile friendly.
No installation is required - sign up for FREE and you are ready to create your analysis
Invite others to work together on the analysis.
Learn better and faster
Contact us: admin@simulationfinance.com